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The Plant Path

Dec 6, 2023

With the holiday season approaching, many of you are wondering which gifts would be suitable for an herbalist. Whether you’re unfamiliar with the field or have been practicing for years, we’ve compiled a helpful list of items you can use as a guide for finding the perfect gift for the lucky herbalist in your life.

Nov 29, 2023

Do you ever feel lost in your herbal studies or not know what to do next to reach the next level of your development as a plant healer? The journey as an herbalist can seem long and daunting. There are so many books out there, courses, traditions, and of course – herbs to study. 


When your path ahead is unclear, it...

Nov 15, 2023

As you begin your herbal exploration, you’ll notice that there are a lot of books out there that either talk about a plant’s spiritual or medicinal aspects–but rarely both. This separation of science and spirit mirrors the allopathic approach used in conventional medicine. The problem is that this...

Nov 8, 2023

Have you ever noticed how stress can make your body ache, your heart beat increase, or upset your digestion? Or vice versa and you eat a food your intolerant too and you get edgy, irritable or brain foggy? This happens because our mental, emotional, and physical health are all connected. Sadly, people often treat these...

Nov 1, 2023

Healing has always been a collaborative journey. In the past, herbalists united in their pursuit of healing, transcending cultural boundaries and traditions. This exchange of wisdom not only laid the foundation for the thriving global herbal community we have today, but also nurtured the seeds of a promising future for...