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The Plant Path

Aug 31, 2022

Some client cases are straightforward, while others leave you scratching your head and unsure where to begin. If you have ever had a client with a myriad of symptoms, you might worry that you are giving them too many herbs, formulas, or are altogether overwhelming them.


Just because your client’s case is complicated...

Aug 24, 2022

Chamomile is a familiar plant with an unmistakable scent and flavor. It is one of the most popularly used and loved herbs, and most folks have a box of it sitting in their cupboard. 


Although sipping on some Chamomile tea at the end of the day is nice, its medicinal properties are complex, and there are different...

Aug 17, 2022

The urinary system is one of the main eliminatory pathways of the body. When it becomes blocked, detoxification is inhibited, and infections and kidney stones can occur.


The first step you need to take before taking herbal medicine is identifying the underlying tissue state of your unique condition. By doing so, you...

Aug 3, 2022

Motherwort, the “lion-hearted herb,” fills your heart with courage and soothes its inner wounds. This herb tends to the physical and emotional heart and is an indispensable part of the Materia medica. With its many uses and simple administration techniques, this herb is sure to become a favorite herb to support a...